December 01 2012

Website created for José Campos

We are very happy to finally make this work known to the general public. It has been some intensive months, but the result is much to our liking.

We were approached by José Campos with one aim: create a fully-fledged online backoffice so that his team could easily upload and maintain content on a personalized website. We were asked to start from a previous design by José Campos, and from there on, it has been Wordpress and PHP all the way.

An intricate system of inter-connection between photography pages and related publishing counterparts are one of the features fo this project.

Other part of the site we full proud of is the Publications overview grid. Head over there and try hovering the covers. Only CSS3 was used to obtain this effect. All the content is database driven; this means that once a publication is inserted onto the site, it shows up everywhere it is related to.

The slideshow for each photographic project was also highly tweaked, but we will leave that to subsequent posts.

In the meanwhile, head over to and take a look at out work while you enjoy beautiful architecture photographs.